Reward System

Referral a new member in your downline and get rewards through OWL card.
Our referral programme gives you rewards, directly into your account when you refer friends and family and use OWL as your preferred daily card.

Refer your Family and Friends

OWL membership gives you rewards through your referral member’s card usage fees.
OWL Premium Membership can get certain percentages of rewards from card usage fee until 10th level of your referral members.

  1. You can get 0.5 percent of the reward on the card used by Standard referral members in the downline in installments from 1 to 10 levels.
  2. You can get 0.5 percent of the reward on the card used by Premium referral members in the downline in installments from 1 to 10 levels.
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  • today's exchange rate:₩0 / 1$

    today's Ethereum:₩0 / 1coin
  • Today's application price: $0 $444 : -개$1344 : -개